Synced Saints
With Matt and Cindy Brown
Food, Prayer, Bible Sharing, Personal Sharing
Wednesdays at 6:30, location varies
Contact us at: cmbrown65@gmail.com

Men’s Group
With Don Montgomery
Men's group where men can be men and share life and lessons learned with our younger men ages 13 to 113. And we always have food.
3rd Saturday of the month @ 6:00 PM
Rivergate Church
Contact don@prodigal911.org or 979-450-6262

HeART Beats
With Wendy Christensen
If you love developing your expressions of worship through Music, Art, Bible Nerding, and Friendship with God and each other -- please join us!
Mondays 6-9 PM, rotating locations
Contact wendyc1962@hotmail.com

Young Adults
With Lacey Ramirez
A place for young adults to authentically discuss the struggles, joys, and mysteries of life with Christ.
Time and location varies
Contact us at lacey.naumann@gmail.com or 361-902-0003

RG Outreach Grow Group
If you’re interested in being a part of a group whose goal is to make a difference in our community, join this group! Contact Carrie Silva at csilva012@suddenlink.net

Practicing the Way
Led by Chris and Alex Liotta
Join us as we read through John Mark Comer’s “Practicing the Way,” and growth in Christ through a relational discipleship perspective.
-Wednesdays at 6:30PM
-Feel free to bring dinner.
-Kids are welcome.
Contact Chris Liotta at chris.liotta@gmail.com for more info

Family Grow Group
A family-oriented group (though everyone is welcome to join) currently studying the Gospel of Matthew
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
For more info, contact Shane Cannon at 940-595-0406